trigger CountAttachment on Attachment (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
// Contains the IDs of all the parent tasks
Set<Id> parentTaskIdSet = new Set<id>();
if ( != null)
for (Attachment a:
if (trigger.old != null)
for (Attachment a: trigger.old)
// List of tasks that needs to be updated
List<Task> parentTaskList = [SELECT id, (SELECT id FROM Attachments) FROM Task WHERE id in: parentTaskIdSet];
for (Task t: parentTaskList)
t.NumberOfAttachments__c = t.Attachments.size();
update parentTaskList;
trigger UpdateAttachmentCount on Task (after insert, after update) {
if (checkRecursive.runOnce())
List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
Set<ID> taskIDSet = new Set<ID>();
if (trigger.old != null)
for (Task t: trigger.old)
if ( != null)
for (Task t:
// Query for the attachment children of the tasks
taskList = [SELECT id, (SELECT id FROM attachments) FROM Task WHERE ID in: taskIDSet];
for (Task t: taskList)
t.NumberOfAttachments__c = t.Attachments.size();
update taskList;
public Class checkRecursive{
private static boolean run = true;
public static boolean runOnce(){
if (run){
run = false;
return true;
return run;
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ReplyDeleteWhy we need check Trigger.old value in Task Trigger (after update, after insert). value not enought?